Thomas Cook Feedback Page

"In Our World Nothing's Foreign"


Is what we believe at Thomas Cook. Exceptional customer service is imperative in our business. It enables us to accomplish our goal as providing Exceptional Service from Exceptional People .

We strive to maintain high customer service standards at a level we believe our customers deserve. And we feel strongly about pursuing excellence in everything we do. Your feedback is very important to us. We appreciate hearing from you. Please take a few moments of your time to complete the form below to help us in measuring this effort. We welcome all your comments and suggestions.

How often have you purchased currency with Thomas Cook in the past year?

No. of Times?: In which City?:

In which Branch? (name of branch):

Which Currency did you purchase (name of currency):

Please feel free to add additional brief comments here.

Have you ever used our overnight or two day Home Delivery Service? YES NO

Were you aware of the fact Thomas Cook had a Home Delivery Service? YES NO

Do you think you would use our Home Delivery Service in the future? YES NO

Have you called 1-800-Currency for service/questions concering Foreign Currency Needs? YES NO

Your Basic Information:


Have you received "exceptional" service from one of our personnel?

We at Thomas Cook accept "nominations" from clients who feel they have received exceptional service from either individuals in our Call Center or throughout our Branches. For example: "Going the extra mile"..."Going above and beyond the call of duty"..."exceeding expectations"...and the list goes on.

We invite you to participate in our Reward and Recognition Program, by submitting to us your nominee.

Nominee Name:

Branch Location:(if known)

Please feel free to add additional brief comments here concerning your experience.

Your Basic Information:


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